We are the sole and only company all over internationally producing unique Natural Dietary Supplement based on Pure Fraxinus Manna, and now we are proposing our Physiomanna line into the worldwide market.

We are an Italian company, with a rich corporate heritage and tradition, but we are full of imagination and we decided to change our course at key points along the way so that Iuppa could remain competitive and continue to lead its industry. We have been in business for over one century and during that time have grown from a two-person start-up to a serious corporate.

Our mission is to make the difference in the nutraceuticals market, offering natural products with the unique natural botanical nourishment such as the Manna from Fraxinus Ornus directed for improving and maintaining health and well-being. We want to promote our knowledge and to give innovative solutions to everyone, even the most delicate people with allergies and diseases.

For more information visit www.iuppaindustriale.it